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Connectivity Templates


import json

from aos.client import AosClient
from scripts.utils import deserialize_fixture, render_jinja_template
import urllib3

You will need to update the connection details below with your specific AOS instance

AOS_IP = "<aos-IP>"
AOS_PORT = 443
AOS_USER = "admin"
AOS_PW = "aos-aos"


aos = AosClient(protocol="https", host=AOS_IP, port=AOS_PORT)
aos.auth.login(AOS_USER, AOS_PW)

Find Blueprint and Default Routing-Zone by Name

bp_name = "apstra-pod1"
bp = aos.blueprint.get_id_by_name(label=bp_name)
default_rz = aos.blueprint.find_sz_by_name(, "default")
ct_id = "external-router-peering"

Create Connectivity Template

context = {"default_rz_id":}
ct_template = "ext_rtr_ct_default.jinja"

ext_rtr_ct = json.loads(render_jinja_template(ct_template, context))

aos.blueprint.create_connectivity_template_from_json(, data=ext_rtr_ct)

Assign interfaces to Connectivity Template

ct_intfs = aos.blueprint.get_endpoint_policy_app_points(, ct_id)

rlink_interfaces = list()

Here we assume the external generic system interfaces were tagged with "Router". The below logic uses this tag to identify the interfaces to assign.

def find_tags(d, intf, tag):
    for child in d:
        if child["children_count"] == 0 and child["tags"] == [tag]:
        find_tags(child["children"], intf, tag)
    return intf

find_tags(ct_intfs["application_points"]["children"], rlink_interfaces, "Router")

data = {"application_points": []}
for intf_id in rlink_interfaces:
            "id": intf_id,
            "policies": [{"policy": "external-router-peering", "used": True}],

Create the Connectivity Template

aos.blueprint.update_connectivity_template(, data)