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Get Blueprint Anomalies


from aos.client import AosClient
from aos.repeat import repeat_until
import urllib3

You will need to update the connection details below with your specific AOS instance

AOS_IP = "<aos-IP>"
AOS_PORT = 443
AOS_USER = "admin"
AOS_PW = "aos-aos"


aos = AosClient(protocol="https", host=AOS_IP, port=AOS_PORT)
aos.auth.login(AOS_USER, AOS_PW)

Find Blueprint by Name

bp_name = "apstra-pod1"
bp = aos.blueprint.get_id_by_name(label=bp_name)

Get all anomalies


Check if anomalies exist

Here we are using logic that waits for the blueprint to fully converge with no anomalies reported before moving onto the next action of the workflow. This is a powerful heath check, as it encompasses all points of telemetry and intent of the fabric built into a single call.

repeat_until(lambda: aos.blueprint.has_anomalies( is False,