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Graph Queries (QE and QL)


from aos.client import AosClient
from scripts.utils import deserialize_fixture
import urllib3

You will need to update the connection details below with your specific AOS instance

AOS_IP = "<aos-IP>"
AOS_PORT = 443
AOS_USER = "admin"
AOS_PW = "aos-aos"


aos = AosClient(protocol="https", host=AOS_IP, port=AOS_PORT)
aos.auth.login(AOS_USER, AOS_PW)

Find Blueprint by Name

bp_name = "apstra-pod1"
bp = aos.blueprint.get_id_by_name(label=bp_name)

QE Queries

Fabric Nodes

Return all fabric nodes (switches). Notice the use of is_in to filter the query by role.

switch_query = (
                "match(node('system', name='switches', "
                "role=is_in(['spine', 'leaf', 'superspine'])))"
resp = aos.blueprint.qe_query(, 
                              params={"type": "staging"})
In the query above {"type": "staging"} is included as a params argument. This allows you to specify either the staging or operation (active) blueprint graph. This parameter is supported for both QE and QL queries. The default is staging

Get all ToR Nodes

A good example of QE queries in action is the aos.blueprint.get_all_tor_nodes() method which uses two queries to return all top of rack (ToR) nodes and their properties. It calls two methods to collect the data it needs.

  • aos.blueprint.get_bp_system_leaf_nodes() returns all nodes of type system with a role of leaf.

    leaf_query = "match(node('system', name='leaf', role='leaf'))"
    resp = aos.blueprint.qe_query(, 
                                  params={"type": "staging"})

  • aos.blueprint.get_bp_system_redundancy_group() returns the redundancy_group (ESI/MLAG) details for a given system. Notice system_id is passed in as a variable for this query which is done for each system returned in the above query to determine if the system belongs to a redundancy_group.

    system_id = 'foo'
    rg_query = (
                "match(node('redundancy_group', name='rg')"
                ".node('system', role='leaf',"
                f" id='{system_id}'))"
    resp = aos.blueprint.qe_query(, 
                                  params={"type": "staging"})

Query the Blueprint for all fabric links between leafs and spines

link_query = (
              "match(node('system', role='leaf', name='system')"
              ".node('interface', name='iface').out('link')"
              ".node('link', role='spine_leaf'))"
resp = aos.blueprint.qe_query(, 
                              params={"type": "staging"})

Query the Blueprint for all links in the fabric belonging to a specific routing-zone (VRF). We are using routing-zone blue in this example.

You will also notice there are two queries combined here, the second query starting with node('system, role='leaf'). This allows you to take the output of the first query and pass it into a new query.

link_query = (
              "match(node('system', role='spine', deploy_mode='deploy')"
              ".node('interface', name='leaf_intf')"
              ".node('link', role='spine_leaf')"
              ".node('system', role='leaf'),"
              ".node('security_zone', vrf_name='blue')"
resp = aos.blueprint.qe_query(, 
                              params={"type": "staging"})

QL Queries

Leaf nodes interface details

Query the blueprint for all system leaf nodes and their current interface details. This query also includes the connected links for each node. Notice (role: \"leaf\") is used to filter by role.

leaf_node_query = (
                    "system_nodes (role: \"leaf\"){"
                        "role " 
                        "id " 
                        "hostname "
                        "hosted_interfaces_targets {"
                            "ipv4_addr "
                            "if_name "
                            "link_targets {"
                                "link_type "
                                "id "
                                "speed "
                                "tags "

resp = aos.blueprint.ql_query(, 
                              params={"type": "staging"})

Routing-zone interface details

Query the blueprint for all Routing-zones and their current interface details. This query also includes the DHCP relay configured. instantiated_by_targets is used to order the interfaces by type, first by loopback, then by subinterface.

sz_query = (
                "security_zone_nodes {"
                    "id "
                    "label "
                    "sz_type "
                    "vrf_name "
                    "vni_id "
                    "vlan_id "
                    "instantiated_by_targets {"
                        "loopback : member_interfaces_targets(if_type:\"loopback\") {"
                            "if_name "
                            "ipv4_addr "
                            "ipv6_addr "
                        "subinterface : member_interfaces_targets(if_type:\"subinterface\") {"
                            "if_name "
                            "ipv4_addr "
                            "ipv6_addr "
                            "ipv6_enabled link : link_targets {role}"
                    "policy_policy_targets(policy_type:\"dhcp_relay\") {"
resp = aos.blueprint.ql_query(, 
                              params={"type": "operations"})