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Assign Blueprint Interface-maps


from aos.client import AosClient
from scripts.utils import deserialize_fixture
import urllib3

You will need to update the connection details below with your specific AOS instance

AOS_IP = "<aos-IP>"
AOS_PORT = 443
AOS_USER = "admin"
AOS_PW = "aos-aos"


aos = AosClient(protocol="https", host=AOS_IP, port=AOS_PORT)
aos.auth.login(AOS_USER, AOS_PW)

Find Blueprint by Name

bp_name = "apstra-pod1"
bp = aos.blueprint.get_id_by_name(label=bp_name)

Get Blueprint System Nodes

The ID of each system is different within the blueprint (/nodes) compared to globally (/systems). We will need to correlate these two, so they can be assigned appropriately.

bp_nodes = aos.blueprint.get_bp_system_nodes(

Define IM mapping

im_assignment = {
    "spine1": "Juniper_vQFX__slicer-7x10-1",
    "spine2": "Juniper_vQFX__slicer-7x10-1",
    "evpn_mlag_001_leaf1": "VS_SONiC_BUZZNIK_PLUS__slicer-7x10-1",
    "evpn_mlag_001_leaf2": "VS_SONiC_BUZZNIK_PLUS__slicer-7x10-1",
    "evpn_single_001_leaf1": "Arista_vEOS__slicer-7x10-1",

Map Node to System ID

assignment = dict()
for device, im in im_assignment.items():
    for value in bp_nodes.values():
        if value["label"] == device:
            assignment[value["id"]] = im

Assign Interface Maps to Nodes

data = {"assignments": assignment}
aos.blueprint.assign_interface_maps_raw(, assignments=data)

Bulk Assign Interface Maps

This method finds all system nodes in blueprint and assigns them the given IM.

sys_nodes = ["spine1", "spine2", "leaf1"]
aos.blueprint.assign_interface_map_by_name(, node_names=sys_nodes, im_name="Arista_vEOS__slicer-7x10-1"